
CATEGORY : [] 2025/01/18 14 : 03


Is Britney still the queen?
CATEGORY : [Music: General] 2007/10/18 06 : 22
I used to like Britney.

I bought her CDs, listened to her music madly. I went to her concert in Tokyo. I was young :) It was natural: you were a teenager, you had a nightout and you danced and sang her songs together with your friends. Why? Because she was the pop queen.

She was a shining star.
She was the queen of pop.
She seemed to be unbeatable.
She had an aura of invincibility.
Everyone thought she would become a legend of pop.

But, something went so wrong with her.
Now she is only the queen of gossip.

"Hey what's wrong with you, Britney?"

From the Guardian Unlimited: Full Text, click here

"This week, Anna Pickard watches and picks apart the video for Gimme More by Britney Spears

It's not easy making a comeback after a long time out of the charts. Presently, it's not easy being Britney. Then again, it's not easy being green, either. And it's sometimes hard to be a woman. All in all, there is a lot to contend with. And so, we enter the difficult comeback video of Her Spearsness in a pensive mood.


And that's it. I honestly sat here watching it over and over, racking my brain, burning my imagination at both ends, trying to find something salvageable, something positive and lovable and redeeming about this video for what is, after all, not THAT bad a pop song. I wanted to be a dissenting positive voice, not just another jabberer against a beleaguered, vulnerable young woman... but I just can't. She had full editorial control of this video. Let's just start again.

Hello! It's Britney's new video!

What a lot of arse!

"Gimme more"? Seriously, the only way she's going to give us more right now is if she disembowels herself live on film.


So I watched her brand-new video. (I am of course allowed to watch legally.)

I feet so sorry for Britney now.
Where have the all aura gone?
She looks terrible.
She isnt sexy, she looks so bitchy --- Well that is probably what she wants?


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