
CATEGORY : [] 2025/03/09 11 : 50


Yes We Can
CATEGORY : [Words] 2008/11/09 09 : 12





「Yes We Can!」に代表される彼のスピーチは、いつもとてもわかりやすいですし、言葉の組み合わせから生まれる語感がとても綺麗だと思います。(どんなことがあっても、ブッシュ大統領のような「ええ!?」というような英語の間違いはしないでしょう。)



There are many who won't agree every policy and decision I make as a president. We know that the Government can not solve every problems. But I always want to be honest with you to the challenges we face. I will listen to you. .... I will hear your voice. I need you. And I will be your President.

Struggle and progress,
The time we were told we can't.
People were depressed with that american dream.
Yes we can....

The time women voices were silent and hopes were dismissed
She lived to see them stand up and reach for the better.
Yes we can....

A man touched down the moon.
A wall came down in Berlin.
The world is connected by all science and imaginations.
And this year, this election, she touched the screen and casted her vote
Because it's 160 years old in America it's the best of the darkest (....)
She knows how America can change.
Yes we can.


チーム・オバマが勝った夜 ー「他者を受け入れる」ことの強さ
from ビンボー留学便りのその後「LA・新米記者の奮闘日記」

Now comes the hard part for Barack Obama
from The Times Online

Obama: How Change Came to America (24ページ ePaper)
from The Times Online


こめんと [ 0 ] とらっくばっく [ ]
知人者智 自知者明
CATEGORY : [Words] 2008/06/13 05 : 13
知人者智 自知者明
(人を知る者は智なり 自ら知る者は明なり)

他人を知るのは単なる「智者」にすぎない。自分を知る者こそが「明知の人」だという意味。この言葉の後には、「人に勝つ者は力あり 自ら勝つ者は強し」と続く。他人に勝つことよりも、自分に勝つほうが、はるかに難しい。


こめんと [ 0 ] とらっくばっく [ ]
CATEGORY : [Words] 2008/05/30 08 : 32
天生我材必有用 千金散尽還復来



こめんと [ 0 ] とらっくばっく [ ]
Anthony Gormley
CATEGORY : [Words] 2007/10/29 07 : 12
Some memorable comments from his documentary on Channel 4,

A social contract of being an artist is that you don't work for pay...., being...., doing other people bidding. You have to find out what is worth doing and do it completely.

We have to have in the shared bits of the world. The things are not just about car, not just about convenient, not just about as it were caused and effective in a daily life. I am totally passionated about it.

Culture is not really culture, unless is shared.

I hate the ideas of, kind of a false division, high and low. Every human being has a potential being touched by poetries, and every human being has a potential to be not only an observer of picture, but also in the picture. That's why matters.

Anthony Gormley
British Artist

こめんと [ 0 ] とらっくばっく [ ]
CATEGORY : [Words] 2007/10/28 04 : 47
Choose life.
Choose a job.
Choose a career.
Choose a family.
Choose a f***ing big television.
Choose waching machines, cars, compact disc players and electrical tin openers....

Choose DIY and wondering who the f*** you are on a Sunday morning.
Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing, spirit crushing game shows, stuffing junk food in to your mouth.
Choose rotting away at the end of it all, pishing your last in a miserable home, nothing more than an embarrassement to the selfish, f***ed up brats you spawned to replace yourself.

Choose your future.
Choose life....

But why would I want to do a thing like that?

---- from CD "Trainspotting"

こめんと [ 0 ] とらっくばっく [ ]
Life is.....
CATEGORY : [Words] 2007/07/10 07 : 00
Life isn't about finding yourself,
Life is about creating yourself.

Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take,
but by the number of moments that take our breath away.

こめんと [ 0 ] とらっくばっく [ ]
It is inevitable...
CATEGORY : [Words] 2007/04/11 07 : 35

Getting old is inevitable, but growing old is optional.

こめんと [ 0 ] とらっくばっく [ ]
Have a dream or not...
CATEGORY : [Words] 2007/04/01 10 : 41

Have a dream or not,
those that are enjoying life are the strongest.


こめんと [ 0 ] とらっくばっく [ ]
CATEGORY : [Words] 2007/03/16 03 : 12
If one does not know to which port one is sailing, no wind is favorable.


Lucius Annaeus Seneca

こめんと [ 0 ] とらっくばっく [ ]
Thy Me.
CATEGORY : [Words] 2007/03/14 03 : 09
Mon ami précieux m'a dit que,
"soyez heureux. Rien n'est pour toujours. Soyez fort."

Don't cry because it's over.
Smile because it happened.

I don't have to be what they want me to be.
Because I am free to be what I want to be.

¡Gracias por ser una parte de mi vida, mi amigo!

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